Do you remember that song “Who Let the Dogs Out?” No? It was a huge hit ten years ago. Also ranked the #3 most annoying song ever by Rolling Stone, handily thrashing “The Thong Song” by Sisqo. If you enjoy having a song stuck in your head for days, do click on this link:
Anyway, we received one of those talking greeting cards that plays that song. The kids have opened and closed that card hundreds of times, and it led to this exchange:
Lucy, singing: “who put the moo in the cow? Who who who?â€
Ben: “that IS a good question!â€
Lucy tries on my sunglasses and strikes a rapper-pose.
Ben, appraising her:  “If she just had a fancy pair of shoes on, she’d look like a model in a shoe store.â€
This makes me have, as Ben would say, “many wonders.” I wonder: how did Lucy know how to fold her arms and mug like that? I wonder: do they have models in shoes stores?  And do they pose like rappers? And WHO has been taking my son to shoes stores?
Their thought processes just don’t match mine at all sometimes. This leads to lots of irritation and frustration on both our parts, but in that instance, I just felt a little jealous that I couldn’t join the conversation without making it thunk to a halt.
One Comment
Simon & Gabriela LOVE the “who let the dogs out” song…
I too don’t know where Ella learned to dance like that… and where Simon learned to mock her just so…
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