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In The Sewers of Lvov

It was apparently quite common for Jews to leap into sewers during ghetto “liquidations” and for the most part none of them survived.  This small group, including a family of 4 with two small children, lived in the sewers for 14 months with the help of a Polish Catholic convicted felon sewer worker and his two fellow workers.  FOURTEEN MONTHS.  I am not sure how I am able to read all of this right now.  There was a time when I was far too porous to manage it.  I feel as if I am witnessing.  Lucy asked me why it was important to study the Holocaust today and I told her I thought that kind of hate and terror happens all the time and part of resisting it is being aware of it.  Then she skipped off in her clean clothes with her full belly to grab her backpack and go to school

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