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The kids have been busy wringing every last playable moment out of the summer.   This means they’re having lots of quality time with the neighbor kids, but maybe not so much with me.  I’m mostly needed for snacks and negotiating treaties.  When school begins again, I will relish our after-school snack time together where their need of a snack meets my need of their presence.   But this week, as the kids were tethered to the table writing a thank you note, Ben gave me this:

Ben:  I wish Mozart were still alive.

Mom:  Why?

Ben:  I’d just like to see him perform.

One Comment

  1. cynthia deboer wrote:

    It will be interesting to ask Ben what he actually KNOWS about Mozart, and which pieces he likes. PLEASE don’t let him see Amadeus until he’s 40.

    Friday, August 14, 2009 at 11:42 am | Permalink

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