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Charlie Mike

Charlie Mike:  A True Story of Heroes Who Brought Their Mission Home.   Joe Klein, political journalist and columnist who wrote Primary Colors, tells the story of Navy Seal Eric Greitens and the fellow servicemen and women he calls to action post-military service via his enterprise The Mission Continues, which seeks to find service and leadership opportunities for veterans who find themselves at loose ends (unemployment, depression, PTSD, alcoholism, drug addiction — you know, loose ends) upon returning Stateside.  I was moved by the terrible situations and the idealism that drove the desire to help.  This books gave me an insight into the crazy mental shift veterans try to manage as they come home and see the rest of us going about our lives.  They signed up looking for adventure, camaraderie, adrenal rush, a paying job, an alternative to school, escape from untenable home lives — hard to find those when you return home.     Interesting kerfluffle online right now because Greitens is running for Missouri governorship and a group of former Seals are PISSED.  Apparently he has embellished his accomplishments and broken some Naval codes of silence.  Klein’s writing is a little florid and breathless and also hard to follow.  Not my favorite writing style.

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