… But First Could You Drive Me And Cheryl To The Mall? by Anthony E. Wolf, Ph.D. Linda passed this on to me and I slogged through in on our Cancun vacation. Wolf’s writing is haphazard, mostly full of made-up conversations between parents and teenagers that, while they may resonate with parents, aren’t followed up with the insight I’d expect from a Ph.D. in psychology. The one part I appreciated was about teen-aged boys specifically and their need to separate from parents by isolating. But I probably won’t refer to this again and won’t recommend it to fellow parents. If you want an AMAZING book about raising a teen-aged daughter, try Untangled by Lisa Damour, full of clinicial anecdotes supported by detailed information and clear advice OR How To Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk by Faber and Mazlich OR The Blessing of Skinned Knee/Blessing of a B- by Wendy Mogel.
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