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The Red Tent

The 20th anniversary of this book!? Dang, I’m old. I couldn’t remember what it was about except Biblical women menstruating in tents, but boy, as I read it, the thing that came back to me the strongest was my feelings. Same as 20 years ago. Dang, the Bible should have more stuff about women. How are women supposed to care about the Bible when characters like Dinah are a mere mention in the context of avenging men’s “honor”?  Diamant is a sure writer.  My favorite part:  “All of my days in Egypt had been spent in that house, and looking back on them in the night air, I recalled little but good…. The painful things …. seemed like the knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place.”  Ah, to say that at the end of my life….

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