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Things The Grandchildren Should Know

I’d never heard of Mark Oliver Everett.  If I were a really hip music fan, I would know he was the lead singer of the Eels.  I would know who the Eels were.  But I have a hip, music-y friend who is truly great person and a fellow reader so that’s how I got this book — thanks Peter!  At one point, Everett describes a change in his musical style like this:  “…I stopped suing cheesy reverb so much.  I felt like I’d been hiding and now I wanted to be very upfront and dry, even if it made me uncomfortable.  Just like this book.”  And he’s right.  This book is dry, upfront, and uncomfortable.  And mesmerizing.  Not a long read and so worthwhile if you think about life and death and happiness and sorrow.  The bio on the inside describes Everett as an “ordained minister.”  Nothing in the book leads me to think he believes in God, but he takes life seriously and believes in music.

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