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Monthly Archives: May 2009

The Fairy Tale Detectives

Ben recommended this to me. Don’t you love the cover?

Long Lost

More Haiku

After Ben’s recent foray into haiku, my eye caught a book at the library called Haiku This Other World and I plucked it off the shelf. All 817 of the  book’s haiku were written by Richard Wright, the African-American novelist.  Wright was born in 1908 in rural Mississippi and became famous with the publication of […]

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

Book Club’s latest endeavor.  Natasha calls it “The Tragedy of Edgar Sawtelle, King of Denmark.”

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Do you remember that song “Who Let the Dogs Out?”  No?  It was a huge hit ten years ago.  Also ranked the #3 most annoying song ever by Rolling Stone, handily thrashing “The Thong Song” by Sisqo.  If you enjoy having a song stuck in your head for days, do click on this link: Anyway, […]

Lucy does it again

It’s been a while since Lucy delivered a zinger.  I found this one sitting in my drafts file.  I really thought I’d shared it.  It’s a jewel. Lucy:  Mom, dogs are people too. Sara:  No, they’re not. Lucy:  Well, they could be. Sara:  No, they can’t.  People are humans.  Only humans.  You know, women, men, […]