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Monthly Archives: April 2018

Get Me Out Of Here

Beyond Borderline

The subtitle and intro ask readers to question the popular idea that people with BPD are incurable and unworthy of treatment — monsters. The idea that there is a good chance of remission and no relapse was so heartening to me. I wanted to read this whole book in witness to what people with BPD […]

Way Below The Angels

This book felt strangely familiar to me. Did I actually read it TWICE?! Harline’s writing style is so manic and run-on. I wonder if he makes a great lecturer in his job as European History professor at BYU. But reading him is like grabbing a squirrel by the tail. Nevertheless, I persisted because I have […]

Harry Potter series

The entire series. Yes, I did. And I am blown away again. The arc of these 7 books is genius. The THEMES! The characters!!!! The dialogue!!!! Just what I needed this season. Thank you, JK Rowling.