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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Showing Off

Look at the awesome Art Shelf I put together yesterday! Isn’t it great?!  Is it too late for me to be a preschool teacher?  Or maybe just a preschool-classroom-organizer?  You know how some people feel after running 5 miles?  I’ve heard talk of them endorphin thingies.  Well, putting that Art Shelf together [and I did […]

What I Am Celebrating

We took our yearly February trip to Florida last month. Neither Karl nor I can wait for the kids’ school’s official spring break, which happens in April. February is our winter breaking point. If we don’t see sun and green, things start to seem undoable. So, for the past few years we have taken advantage […]

Take This Bread

Sara Miles abruptly becomes a Christian, bewildered and undone by communion.  This book chronicles her joining the Christian community and also starting a food pantry that mirrors the everyone-welcome-at-the-table philosophy of her church.  She articulates her questions, her beliefs, and her criticisms with incredible clarity and elegance — as well as humility and wicked humor.  […]