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Monthly Archives: August 2009

Unaccustomed Earth

Thank you Auntie Laura of the Cat for this one.  I adored the Namesake and thought its movie version was a rare worthy film adaptation.  These are short stories that make me want to write one myself.  Indian and Indian-American culture intrigues me.  Other suggestions anyone?

My heart is hugging my brain

The kids are not funny this week.  They’re just squirrely.  Deeply, profoundly ready for school.  I’ve managed to get up before them in the mornings and have a latte while reading.  It’s indecent how much I love that moment.  I anticipate it even as I’m going to bed. Anybody watch 30Rock?  Last episode I watched, […]

Chief Dumb Luck

This past week has been bubbling with Camp Roger songs, stories, cabin chants and jokes. I delighted to watch my quiet nephew tell a shaggy dog story to his grandpa and grama, Ben and Lucy chiming in details or just bursting into laughter as they anticipated the good parts. So Ben may have just picked […]


Do you ever feel like you’ve lost a limb upon finishing a book?  I’ve got this book still in my hands like a phantom.  I actually finished Part 1 gasping for breath, had to leap up from the table and take a break.  In her acknowledgements, Jordan refers to the years it took to write […]


I’ve been reading through some old letters this week.  They’re from a friend who died many years ago and they make my memory of him shine.  His writing was just like his personality:  sparkling, irreverent, delighted with life and himself. He wrote me letters on the back of postcards, wedging in 200 hundred words where […]

A Cold Day In Paradise

Thanks, Camille.  Michigan setting, creepy villian, Law and Order Twist at the end.