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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Girls Waits With Gun

Oh was this book FUN.  Constance Kopp was a real woman, a woman who fought for her legal rights and the safety of her and her family.  Stewart took the historical facts of Kopp and turned it into a rollicking good story.  Plus this cover has me totally enchanted.

Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

Albie, Frannie, Jeannette, Caroline, and Calvin become siblings in the wake of their parents’ marriage.  Patchett tells the tale of their lives and life over the course of 50 years.

The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis

A pretty thinly told story of Rose, squatting in the apartment of the Barbizon after being dumped by her boyfriend.  Rose investigates Daphne, an older woman who has been living in the Barbizon since the 1950s when it was a hotel for girls waiting to meet a man in the big city.

Perfect Little World

By Kevin Wilson, author of the Family Fang. Izzy is newly single and pregnant when she signs on to participate in The Infinite Family project, a 10 year study in which 10 families raise their children communally without identifying individual parents.  Parts of this were interesting but I never felt like it whipped up into […]

Salt To The Sea

Wonderful YA historical fiction about a WWII maritime tragedy of which I had never heard: the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff.

Lillian Boxfish Takes A Walk

Delightful.  Lillian Boxfish is based on real-life trail blazer Margaret Fishback, a poet who made her name writing ad copy for Macy’s in the 1930’s.  Kathleen Rooney has Lillian, at age 84, take a long walk through Manhattan on New Year’s Eve, remembering her unusual life.  I loved this novel.  Lillian’s voice was crystal clear.