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Monthly Archives: August 2016


Who knew I love a war story?!  I never learned a single thing about the Korean War so I appreciated this slice of it, the story of Navy pilots on the carrier Leyte, including the first African American Naval pilot, Jesse Brown.   Exciting, dismaying, moving, inspiring.  Loved it.  

Circling The Sun

I hate this title and it’s too bad it’s so bland because the book is GREAT!  The true story of Beryl Markham, raised by a single father in 1930s Kenya, first female horse trainer in South Africa, pilot, eschewer of convention and restraint.  I loved her story and was blown away by how much she […]

The Light Between Oceans

Thanks for the recommendation, Laura.  I really liked this book.  A straightforward narrative told from the perspective of Tom, a “hero” of World War 1 who relishes his postwar job as a lighthouse keeper for its solitude until he meets Isabelle and brings her to Janus Rock as his wife.  When a boat washes up […]