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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Conscience & Courage

I think most of us have asked ourselves, with regard to the Holocaust, “what would I have done?  would I have had the courage to stand up to the Nazi regime?  save someone else?  risk my life?”  Fogelman writes very thoughtfully about  all sorts of people who did save Jews and why.

Tell Them We Remember

from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.  We’re going to DC this summer and that is top on my list to visit.

In the Ghettos

In The Ghettos:  Teens Who Survived the Ghettos of the Holocaust Such an excellent series of books for young adults.  If I were a teacher, I would use this series as a primary curriculum for sure.

Children With A Star: Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe

Children With A Star by Deborah Dwork Very dense, researched reconstruction of life of specifically Jewish children in hiding, in ghettos, in transit camps and death camps.

Touch Wood

Touch Wood:  A Girlhood in Occupied France by Renee Roth-Hano.  She and her two sisters and parents survived.


Reporterly, almost academic, account of Polish Jews surviving as a partisan military in the forests of Poland during WW2.  Tuvia Bielski, charismatic [that’s why Daniel Craig plays him in the movie people] Jewish leader of this group, is credited with unconditionally accepting not just gun-toting soldiers into his group but anyone, regardless of age, gender, […]