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Monthly Archives: June 2010

Good Evening Mr. Wallenberg

Incredible.  I cannot do justice to Wallenberg’s story here.  Take 5 minutes and go to  Do it.   Stellan Skaarsgard plays Wallenberg and that is some Kick-Ass acting.

Last Day of School

Ben and Lucy’s last day of third and second grade.  And last day at Oakdale forever.  Why did I not expect the torrent of tears that I shed as soon as I walked in the building this morning?  I managed to say thank you to all their teachers.  But I did not stay for the […]

Prairie Tale

Half-pint is all growed up and real.  And surprisingly Hollywood.  I had no idea.  I’m blown away by how confessional she is willing to be, but perhaps all of her community expects nothing less, so divulging who you have slept with, been pregnant by, gotten in fights with, and cheated on is de rigueur.

Into The Arms of Strangers

Documents the lives of children who were part of the “Kindertransport,” a British program to evacuate (mostly Jewish) children from Germany before England declared war.  Lovely interviews with older people reflecting on their bizarre childhoods.  About 10,000 children were rescued.  A United States congressional bill endorsing a similar plan in the US failed because removing […]

In The Sewers of Lvov

It was apparently quite common for Jews to leap into sewers during ghetto “liquidations” and for the most part none of them survived.  This small group, including a family of 4 with two small children, lived in the sewers for 14 months with the help of a Polish Catholic convicted felon sewer worker and his […]

Child of the Holocaust

Mr. Kuper is suddenly left alone in Poland 1941 at the age of 9.  His entire family is gone, presumably taken by the Nazis.  This is his plain account of the ensuing 4 years that he moved from town to town, posing as a Polish peasant, begging for food, making himself useful to the families […]