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Monthly Archives: June 2010

A Wolf In The Attic

by Sophia Richman [Zosia Weiss Reichman] “visibly hidden” starting at age 2, she and her mother posed as Polish Catholics while her father hid in the attic of the apartment they rented.  Ms. Richman is one of the hidden children from the first book I read on this journey.  Her memoir is especially rich and […]


graphic novel by Art Spiegelman

The September Issue

watched this movie about Vogue, and mostly its dictator-in-chief, Anna Wintour, last night. It opens with her saying people who think fashion is silly or inscrutable probably are just jealous and want to be with the cool kids.  DESPITE that, I really enjoyed this slice of life.  Silly and inscrutable as it was.  FAB soundtrack.  […]

sTORI Telling by Tori Spelling

Ok, ok.  After 12 books on the Holocaust, this was a welcome diversion.  It was meant to be read for last month’s book club in tandem with Spelling’s mother’s book, CandyLand, but just showed up on hold at the library this week.  Based on writing alone, if I had to take sides, I’d go with […]

The Hiding Place

Read this in my childhood.  Ten Boom was a Dutch Reformed Christian in Haarlem Netherlands who hid Jews and resistance workers in her house, was denounced with her father, sister, and brother, sent to Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, which she survived.  Her sister and father did not.  The descriptions of the camp alone are […]