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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Between Shade of Gray

Thanks so much, Camille.  This is the story of 15-year old Lina, who is deported from Lithuania with her mother and younger brother to a Siberian work camp.  A good start — and a horrific one — to filling in the Russian/Soviet story of WW2 which is ominous sideline in so many of the Holocaust […]

When You Reach Me

Rebecca Stead won the 2010 Newberry for this.  An homage to Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engle, with charming preteen characters.  Made me decide to read WIT to Ben this year.  He’s ready.

Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy

I kept telling Ben how great this book was and he kept saying “but I’m not going to read it, Mom.”  So then I continued to update him as I read it, finishing with “but I know you’re not going to read it.”  I plan to leave it in his path without comment.  I love […]