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Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Under The Positive Influence

Sometimes, it’s hard to ferret out what happens at school.  I’ll hear a word or phrase or idea that makes no sense at all and only later find the homework sheet that explains it.  I’ll hear a song and wonder what on earth it’s all about until another mother offers her kid’s explanation. I can […]

Lots of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day.  We’re celebrating early because tomorrow church starts at 8:30am and, no offense, but that is a serious downer.  I channeled my mother and set the table beautifully with darling cards at each place and tiny boxes of chocolate for each.  Then I struck out on my own by not making a breakfast […]

Mother of Invention

Grama and Grampa gave Ben a ginormous Lego set  for his birthday.  He was up building until 10:30 last night at which point the Evil Witch made him go to bed. He got up this morning at 7am and has spent the last two hours bent over it in pure devotion. The set is a […]


It took me a minute to figure out what was going on.  Ben, Lucy, and Zoe were in the den playing — took me a minute to realize it was a game of charades.  I present to you Overheard In The Den This Evening: Lucy:  “Someone on a toilet?” Lucy:  “Oprah on a toilet?!” Zoe:  […]


My counter is covered in scraps of paper.  They are my heritage and they are making me insane.  But the deterioration of my frontal lobe forces me to write down everything.  I am collecting myself on scraps. One of the things I jot down is stuff Ben says.  It’s a sort of demented babybook, a […]

Martha Martha Martha

Fall fell this week.  After a week of  balmy, skin-kissing weather so glorious that one almost feels global warming is worth it, we got two days of nonstop wind and rain.  It took all the leaves off the trees and left a crunchy, brown carpet for trick or treaters.  Very festive.  Except while our neighbors […]