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Category Archives: What I’m Reading

Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple

Maria Semple of Where Did You Go Bernadette? fame writes another story about a wacky mom in Seattle.  Eleanor used to be the animator of the “it” cartoon, Looper Wash, and now spends her days avoiding the calls of an editor awaiting her graphic novel memoir and meeting with her poetry tutor and talking to […]

You Will Know Me

December’s book of the month selection.  I did not love it.  Gripping story but the mystery unfolds woozily and there were threads and obfuscations that I started to find really annoying.  Does this thing being revealed even matter?  Is it a feint?  Is it important?  What’s the story here: daughter gymnast Devon’s struggle to become […]

7 by Jen Hatmaker

7: an experimental mutiny against excess.  Jen Hatmaker takes 7 areas of excess in her life (clothes, shopping, waste, food, possessions, media, and stress) on for 7 months and essentially blogs about the experience.  Chapters on stress and food and waste didn’t speak to me:  these are things I don’t struggle with or have already […]

Faith Shift

The Magician’s Land

Book #3 and end of Magicians series.  Thank you, Lev Grossman and dang, you smart.

The Magician King

Book #2 in Magicians series.  Lev Grossman, how do you do it?