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Category Archives: What I’m Reading

Jesus Land by Julia Scheeres

A memoir about her horrific childhood at the hands of parents who were so damaged and their behavior so criminal I could hardly read it. Worse because their parents thought they were Christians. I could hardly read this and finished it in support of Julia Scheeres who had the bravery to write it. My heart […]

Shrill by Lindy West

Feminazi, Fat feminist, Female, Woman. I love you Lindy West! New columnist for New York Times, long-time writer for The Stranger (hello Seattle), and lover and defender of all women. Here’s the thing I love most about Lindy West:  she’s shrill AND kind. She says NO and she loves people.  I had so many moments […]

Home Fire

Aneeka and Parvaiz are twins. Parvaiz decides to join ISIS. Aneeka embarks on an affair with the Home Secretary’s son in order to gain his influence in helping her brother return to Britain. Some reference to Antigone in the notes. I liked the writing in the beginning and appreciated the imagined wooing and recruitment of […]

Grace For Amateurs by Lily Burana

Nicole sent this to me as a gift-for-no-reason, my favorite kind and it was charmingly addressed to “Sara DeBoer, my spirit animal.” Aw. The first chapter left me frustrated: Burana describes a deep depression and her call to God for some sign of His presence. The vagueness of this chapter made me think I wasn’t […]

The Almost Nearly Perfect People

Brit Michael Booth married a Dane and moved to Denmark. As Scandinavian countries started being heralded as utopias of equality and happiness, he decides to investigate further. Booth has a great sense of humor and isn’t trying to trash Scandinavia as much as present a more accurate and nuanced picture of life there. The cover […]

Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker

I had a sour feeling about Jen Hatmaker when I read her book Seven.  I just didn’t think I needed to read why SHE wanted to spend seven months giving stuff up. I didn’t really want to spend a month eating the same food all the time or recycling a lot. Ok, actually, that one […]