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Monthly Archives: September 2010


Here’s something I meant to post in May.  But it, like a bag of Cheetos, has not degraded a bit with time.  Still tasty. Ben has been studying the physical concept of work in school, as in the actual expending of energy.  He has been testing me [“Mom, I’m thinking.  Is that work?”] and making […]

Glass Houses: Morganville Vampires, Book 1

by Rachael Caine.  16-year old wonder-child Claire finds herself stuck in a Texas town fighting off vampires.  Fun!!  Thanks to my awesome niece Rebecca who loaned it to me.  Auntie wants more…

Burma Chronicles

Pyongyang: A Journey In North Korea

another one by Guy Delisle.  Did you know that North Korea has the world’s 4th largest army?   Delisle also says that NK was the world’s biggest client for Henessy Cognac in the 1990s, at the height of the famine there that killed 2 million people.  Well, I don’t know how to check that.  Maybe one […]

Shenzhen A Travelogue from China

by Guy Delisle, who spends 3 months overseeing an animation studio in Shenzhen, the fastest-growing city in China at the time.  I just love the way graphic novels convey a mood.   I am definitely crossing Shenzhen off my bucket list.  haha.  Waiting for his graphic novels about North Korea (!!) and Burma, which I have […]

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

Wow.  Another graphic novel, this one by Marjane Satrapi who grew up in Persia as it became Iran.  I LOVED it.  Her drawings are so perfectly matched to her story, it makes me wonder if an artist’s personal style is nature-born or nurture-born.  David Small’s drawings for Stitches matched his story and mood perfectly as […]