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Category Archives: Miscellaneous

This Is Where I Leave You

When Judd Foxman’s father dies, he and his brothers Paul and Philip and their sister Wendy gather with their mother for 7 days of shiva. Judd has discovered his wife in bed with his boss, his brother Paul and his wife are angrily trying to have a baby, Philip brings home another woman but this […]

Divided We Fall

Just spent a quiet Wednesday afternoon watching this very affecting film by activist Valarie Kaer, in which she takes to the road in the aftermath of 9/11 to examine hate crimes against the Sikh-American community.  So disturbing.

Big weekend

I feel like something big happened here this weekend.  Ben got a haircut.  His shoulder-length hair was swept into a ponytail and CHOPPED OFF.  By choice. And this is not the biggest part of it. One of you may remember that Ben decided to be an attorney for Halloween last year.  He decided in September […]

Go FreeTrade and AWESOME for Christmas

Hello lovely friends.  I know I’ve been gone a very long time so there may only be 2 or 3 of you looking at this in December.  If so, pass it on to your friends because this blog is a Christmas present. Karl and I have a dear friend Peter (who has a dear wife […]


Here’s something I meant to post in May.  But it, like a bag of Cheetos, has not degraded a bit with time.  Still tasty. Ben has been studying the physical concept of work in school, as in the actual expending of energy.  He has been testing me [“Mom, I’m thinking.  Is that work?”] and making […]

Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Hey all. I know I’ve been MIA all summer and this may seem an abrupt re-entry, but it’s been 90 years since women got the right to vote in this country and I celebrate it!  Today is National Women’s Equality Day, created by Congress in 1971 at the behest of Bella Abzug, who has a […]